Monday, 04 January 2021 11:59

Good resume examples

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If you are actively looking for a job, you will undoubtedly need a high-quality resume. Of course, a list of your brilliant skills and previous jobs at Word will do just fine, especially if you've already established yourself in the market.

However, having a stylish, informative, and uncluttered CV will be a significant advantage over other job seekers. Good resume examples at this link:

2020 ends. We analyzed all the good resume examples 2020 and decided to put together our tips for writing a winning resume.

  • There is an opinion that they say a resume is a ticket to an interview. Its main task is to get a call. This is a very erroneous opinion that killed a large number of professionals. The main mission of a resume is to show the actual value of you as a professional. If you didn't immediately show your real value, then it will be more challenging to do it in an interview.
  • The resume should be such that the recruiter wants to "buy" it. For a recruiter, a resume is one of the main tools of his work. They want to read a good overview in full and reread it again.
  • A recruiter receives from 100 to 300 resumes per day. Recruiters do not read every resume. Their gaze jumps through the main blocks in search of keywords that interest him.
  • There are no universal resumes for all professions. Different types of resumes are important for each job. The purpose of each type of resume is to show what is most important for the work.
  • Your resume must indicate your successes (achievements) for each job. A good summary is a resume that has been written and rewritten. As a rule, a good resume objective examples do not include a "desire to re-engage," but a desire to get a specific position.
  • A good resume is interesting to read and reread it to the end. Each phrase in the resume should increase the desire to buy it.
  • The resume should consist of simple words and expressions; there should be no formalism; your phrases should be written by you personally and not copied from the Internet.

Follow the ideal structure:

  1. Surname and name
  2. A photo
  3. Contacts
  4. The goal is the position you are applying for
  5. Key competencies are a part of experienced professionals. The recruiter may not want to read the entire resume, but he will look at the key competencies.
  6. Education
  7. Pieces of training
  8. Experience
  9. Additional Information
  • I believe the ideal length of a resume is strictly two pages. One is too little, and three is too much.
  • Achievements are your measurable successes, expressed in numbers, terms, or significant qualitative changes in the company. They must be specific, measurable, impressive, and appropriate to the position.
  • Now more and more attention is paid to the employee's personal qualities in the selection of candidates. If we analyze the good resume skills examples, then most likely the most desirable skills are:

initiative, leadership, energy, stress tolerance, openness

The time has passed when people could be impressed with beautiful phrases. Our recommendation is to make your resume simple and understandable to every person. 

The requirements and recommendations for writing up a resume change from year to year. If you want to write an up-to-date resume, it's best to focus on the 2020 examples and samples. There are a lot of ready-made resume examples on the Internet.

What to write in your resume: the most important points

Creating a resume is the most important step in the job search process. It is your business card! Your chances of getting the job you want depend a lot on how well it is written.

You can use resume samples of various professions to make your resume writing task easier. They were created by Superjob, who checks and corrects millions of resumes every month. The examples will help you understand what a good resume should look like, and you can use them to fill out your own resume.

A resume usually contains three main blocks - "Personal Information," "Education," and "Work Experience. Fill them out as truthfully and accurately as possible, following the chronological order as in the sample resume. Indicate where you currently reside, where you received your education, what work experience, what achievements you have. Additionally, the sample resume contains sections like "Courses and Training," "Foreign Languages and Computer Skills," and "Additional Information," which also help employers form an opinion of you as a person and a professional.

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